Free Teleseminar on Thursday
April 2nd at 5:30pm PDT

During this free training call you will discover:

  • The 3 BIGGEST mistakes most business owners make when trying to give public presentations and how to instantly look like a seasoned speaking professional by avoiding these goof-ups!
  • Little known secrets the pros won't tell you about how to control your nervousness.  (Note: Most every public speaker is nervous before delivering a presentation, but they learn how to control it.
    After this call you too will know their secrets how to do it!)
  • 3 magnetic ways you can command attention of any audience in the first 30 to 60 seconds - even if you are not a very outgoing person or a "booming" presenter.
  • How to find more opportunities to speak to local groups of your ideal prospects and how to get invited as a speaker.
  • What specifically you must do during your presentations in order to generate leads and clients. Most business owners leave this step out and only waste their time and effort - but after this call you will not be making the same mistake ever again! 

(All information is kept 100% private and confidential). 

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Frequently Asked Question

What if I can't attend the call but still want the information?

A: We will audio-record this presentation - simply register using the form above and we'll send you the audio file within a couple days after the call.

This call is sponsored by:
Arvee Robinson
The Master Speaker Trainer

© 2003-2013 Arvee Robinson. All rights reserved.